Roggie's girls

Oh, intellectually we believe in having a good heart, a chirpy penis, a lively intelligence, and the courage to say ”shit” in front of a lady.

tisdag, maj 23, 2006


(jag kan inte låta bli, mouse)

Choose an artist (or band) and answer only in song TITLES by that artist: smashing pumpkins

Are you male or female: a girl named sandoz
Describe yourself: here is no why
How do some people feel about you: where the boys fear to tread (haha)
How do you feel about yourself: try,try,try
Describe your ex boyfriend: love
Describe where you want to be: in the arms of sleep
Describe what you want to be: perfect
Describe what you want: stand inside your love
Describe how you live: thru the eyes of ruby
Describe how you love: disarm
Share a few words of wisdom: tonight, tonight